Far-sighted engagement
Thommen also engages with the issue of sustainable waste management within both national and international associations.
Recycling is not just a business to Thommen, but something close to our heart. We want to make a difference and to help shape the future of recycling. For this reason, we contribute our expertise and experience to specialist discussions and support the sector through our engagement within the following associations and institutions:
- Aluminium Association of Switzerland [Aluminium-Verband Schweiz]
- ORDEA Disposal Specialist Association Switzerland [FVG – Fachverband VREG-Entsorgung Schweiz]
- Vehicle Recycling Foundation Switzerland [SARS – Stiftung Auto Recycling Schweiz]
- Disposal Foundation Switzerland [SENS – Stiftung Entsorgung Schweiz]
- Association of the ICT and Online Industry [SWICO – Wirtschaftsverband der ICT- und Online-Branche]
- Association of Operators of Swiss Waste Processing Plants [VBSA – Verband der Betreiber Schweizerischer Abfallverwertungsanlagen]
- Steel, Metal and Paper Recycling Association Switzerland [VSMR – Verband Stahl-, Metall- und Papier-Recycling Schweiz]
- Regensdorf Trade Association [GVR – Gewerbeverband Regensdorf]
- Regensdorf Industrial Association [IVR – Industrieverband Regensdorf]
- SAQ – Swiss Association for Quality
- Association for Environmental Law [VUR – Vereinigung für Umweltrecht]
- Associaton of Swiss Metal Suppliers [SMZ – Verband Schweizer Metall Zulieferer]
- ASTAG – Schweizerischer Nutzfahrzeugverband
- VASSO – Vereinigung der Autosammelstellen-Halter
- VNL – Verein Netzwerk Logistik
- SSV – Schweizerischer Shredder Verband
- VAP – Verband der verladenden Wirtschaft
- swisscleantech
- Federal Association of German Steel Recycling and Disposal Undertakings [BDSV – Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Stahlrecycling- und Entsorgungsunternehmen e.V.]
- BIR – Bureau of International Recycling
- Association of German Metal Traders [VDM – Verband Deutscher Metallhändler e.V.]
- Waste Management Association for the German Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling Sector [ESN – Entsorgungsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Stahl- und NE-Recycling-Wirtschaft e.V.]